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Studying at the FSS as part of an exchange program

You wish to come and study at the Faculty of Sport Sciences of Aix-Marseille University for a semester or an academic year as part of an exchange program (ERASMUS, CIVIS, BCI,...)? We will be happy to help you with your application and to welcome you to Marseille.

Before starting to build your mobility project, contact the international mobility advisor at your home university to check whether there is an agreement between our two universities, as well as the application schedule.

Once you are engaged in a study mobility, you will follow all your courses at Aix-Marseille University, but you will pay the registration fees of your home university. The study contract established before the mobility will allow you to ensure the transfer of the credits obtained in order to validate your degree.

For the moment, all our courses are taught in French. Therefore, in order not to compromise your success, you must have a B2 level of French. French courses will also be offered by the Aix-Marseille University language center.

The entire range of courses offered by the Faculty of Sport Sciences is open to international mobility (excluding CMI courses).


Points de vigilance avant de faire son choix de cours

En faisant votre choix, veuillez tenir compte des points suivants :

  1. Commencer par choisir votre niveau d’étude : Licence (undergraduate) ou Master.
  2. Pour afficher les maquettes de cours par semestre d’étude et de mention (spécialité), cliquer sur le signe plus (+) en rouge.
  3. Pour chaque semestre de mobilité, il est impératif de choisir tous ses cours dans une seule maquette correspondant à un semestre d’une mention (ex., Niveau Licence, Management du sport – MS/S5).
  4. Les semestres impairs (S3, S5, S7, S9) correspondent aux semestres d’hiver (winter term) et les semestres pairs (S2, S4, S6, S8) à ceux du printemps (spring term).
  5. Dans une maquette, il est possible de choisir un, plusieurs, ou tous les cours d'une même Unité d’Enseignement. Le coefficient (coef) de chaque cours est utilisé pour calculer le nombre de crédits (ECTS) correspondant (par exemple, dans une Unité de 8 ECTS, un cours avec un coef de 2 vaut 2 ECTS).
  6. Les Unités « stage » et « CMI » ne peuvent pas être sélectionnées par les étudiants internationaux.
  7. Il est préférable de consulter le référent pédagogique de votre faculté pour une pré-validation de votre choix.
  8. Il est possible que des prérequis soient exigés pour certains cours. Un retour vous sera fait à ce sujet en prenant en compte votre parcours une fois que vous aurez fait votre premier choix.
  9. En plus des cours dispensés à la FSS, vous avez la possibilité de vous inscrire dans un cours de français assuré par le Service Universitaire de Français Langue Étrangère d'Aix-Marseille Université. Ce cours est crédité de 6 ECTS s'il est inclus dans votre contrat d'étude (code FLE). Les places étant limitées, faites-nous savoir rapidement votre souhait de s'inscrire à ce cours.

Pour tout renseignement complémentaire s'adresser à Rita SLEIMEN-MALKOUN, référente RI pour la mobilité entrante.


The Sciences and Techniques of Physical and Sports Activities (STAPS) degrees at the Marseille FSS aim to provide access to a multidisciplinary scientific culture and professional skills in the major STAPS training sectors: research and development in the Sciences of Human Movement and Sport, management of sport and sports structures, education, training and intervention in physical and sports activities as well as in adapted physical activities and health.

  • Course sheets

    The courses are given in the form of lectures (CM), tutorials (TD) and practical work (TP).

    The STAPS licenses are organized over 6 semesters (180 ECTS). The listing below allows you to access the course outlines classified by semester and mention. Just follow the link of the semester corresponding to your training and mobility period. The odd-numbered semesters correspond to the winter term and the even-numbered semesters to the spring term:

    1st-3rd semesters common core :

    4th- 6th semesters with specialized endorsements:

The Master's degree in Science and Technology of Physical and Sports Activities (STAPS) at the Marseille FSS offers a coherent and complementary set of training courses based on research teams that are complementary in terms of discipline in the fields of Life Sciences, Health Sciences and Cognitive Sciences, Physical Sciences for Engineering, Information and Communication Sciences and Human Sciences. The fundamental knowledge that serves as a support for the different courses finds applications in the field of physical activity in general, whether it be work, sport and leisure, or health and personal autonomy, with the specificities linked to age as a transversal factor.

  • Course sheets

    The courses are given in the form of lectures, tutorials and practical work.

    The Masters STAPS is organized over 4 semesters with 4 mentions. The odd-numbered semesters correspond to the winter term and the even-numbered semesters to the spring term. The last semester (S9) is dedicated to the internship. The listing below allows you to access the course outlines classified by semester, mention, and course. Just follow the link of the semester corresponding to your training and mobility period:

    Engineering and Ergonomics of Physical Activity:

For more information on the courses you can consult the course sheets.

The following sports are taught at the FSS with a limited number of places: athletics, badminton, dance, basketball, climbing, handball, soccer, sports gymnastics, judo, swimming, windsurfing, savate boxing, tennis, rugby, sailing, volleyball.

Choosing a course

When making your choice, please take into account the following points:

  1. For each semester of mobility, it is imperative to choose your courses from a single course outline corresponding to a semester of a mention.
  2. In a given model, it is possible to choose one, several or all the courses of the same teaching unit. The coefficient (coef) of each course is used to calculate the corresponding number of credits (ECTS) (for example, in a Unit of 8 ECTS, a course with a coef of 2 is worth 2 ECTS).
  3. The "internship" and "CMI" units cannot be selected by international students.
  4. It is preferable to consult the pedagogical advisor of your faculty for a pre-validation of your choice.
  5. It is possible that prerequisites are required for certain courses. You will be informed of this, taking into account your background, once you have made your first choice.
  6. In addition to the courses given at the FSS, you have the possibility of enrolling in a French course provided by the University Service of French as a Foreign Language of Aix-Marseille University. This course is credited with 6 ECTS if it is included in your study contract (code FLE). Places being limited, let us know quickly if you wish to register for this course.

For further information, please contact Rita SLEIMEN-MALKOUN, IR referent for incoming mobility.