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Professional Bachelor's degree - Management and development of organizations, sports and leisure services # Mountain professions


Initial training, Continuing education, Work-linked training

Number of credits: 180

  • AIMS

    Train professionals who master the successive stages of design, implementation, development and evaluation of projects or events in the field of sport and sporting leisure.

    • Design the action program and planning
    • Participate in project management
    • Coordinate a team of stakeholders and employees
    • Monitor and control the budget execution of the action program
    • Formalize the organization chart of the structure
    • Communicate with partners

    Access to the professional license (3rd year of license) is limited: it is subject to a selection (file + jury) open to students who have validated 120 credits in a national diploma sanctioning two years of higher education in a field of training. compatible with that of the “GDOSSL” professional license.


    Have validated 120 credits in a national diploma sanctioning two years of higher education in a field of training compatible with that of the professional license "GDOSSL".


    The typical profile of the candidate is that of a sports enthusiast (preferably outdoors) who wishes to develop a professional project in the entrepreneurial, associative or institutional sectors (local authorities). Beyond the STAPS course, the training is open to students of DUT, BTS or BTSA in the sectors of management, management and tourism.


    In order to meet the needs of outdoor sports activities in the PACA region, the Faculty of Sports Sciences offers a professional license developed in close collaboration with private and public organizations throughout the region (companies, associations, local authorities).

    A substantial part of the teaching is delivered by professionals, allowing the training to be in line with the realities on the ground. Thus, students can project themselves into the problems and concrete contingencies of sports service organizations. A block of lessons is followed by an internship grouped in a company.

    The curriculum is organized between training periods and professional internship periods. The internship lasts a minimum of 14 weeks (420h).


    This diploma combines skills related to the administration and management of service organizations, knowledge of outdoor sports activities and how to enhance them economically or socially.

    The graduate is a professional capable of managing, managing and developing an organization, depending on the environmental and economic context. He masters the legal, management, accounting and communication knowledge inherent in these activities.


    The accompaniment of the professional project of the student is a key element of this course. A substantial part of the training is therefore provided by professionals from the sports professions and the business world.


    The curriculum is organised between training periods and professional internship periods. The internship lasts a minimum of 14 weeks (420h).

    The training is organised between training periods and professional training periods.


    The GDOSS degree course « sport, nature and mountain management » is delivered à Gap, à strong alpine identity.