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La formation continue à la FSS

The Faculty of Sport Sciences of the University of Aix-Marseille develops its training programs in Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorate degrees in the fields of Physical and Sporting Activities (STAPS) and Human Movement (SMH).

It professionalizes its students in 4 major training areas targeting as many core professions: APAS, MS, EM, IEMH research...

All FSS courses can be taken as part of continuing education.

If you wish to resume your studies, validate your professional experience (VAP) or your experience (VAE), we are at your disposal to welcome you, to advise you, to orient you and to implement the training engineering that suits your profile. You must contact our CE manager who is your privileged contact.

Continuing education trainees benefit from personalized support throughout their training and can register free of charge for support modules (ask the manager for information).

Initial training or continuing education

There are two different registration statuses, either initial training or continuing education. Regardless of the student status, the courses will be identical.

  • If you are pursuing your higher education studies directly after your baccalaureate, you are in fact in initial training.
  • If you are a job seeker, employee, RSA beneficiary, self-employed, returning to school or a student who has just completed a sandwich course, you are most likely in continuing education.

You are eligible for continuing education if you meet one of the following conditions at the beginning of the training and the resulting aid:

Person resuming studies financed by a third party:

  • Job seekers
  • Beneficiary of the RSA
  • Liberal professions, craftsmen, independent workers
  • Employees financed under :
    • CPF (Personal Training Account)
    • Professional Transition Project (Reconversion)
    • Professionalization contract
    • Training plan
    • Collective agreement
    • Your training is paid for by a third party (OPCA, Fongecif, DIF, etc...)

Person resuming studies not financed by a third party:

  • You have interrupted your studies for at least one year
  • Employed on their own time and not financed by a third party
  • Housewife
  • Job seeker
  • Beneficiary of the RSA
  • Student who has completed a sandwich course or previously enrolled in continuing education.

To set up your training project, contact the continuing education service of the Faculty of Sports Sciences.

The reflection of your professional project must integrate different criteria including the financing of the training action.

A training estimate will be drawn up by the CE department according to the diploma chosen and the study arrangements envisaged, if any.

  • The training courses agreed with the Southern Region give the right to remuneration and social protection. The additional costs of transport and accommodation may be covered in full or in part after studying your application.
  • Co-financing is still possible for candidates depending on their status and situation. However, no additional financing beyond the amount of the candidate's CPF can be mobilized.
  • If no financing is possible and the regional aid is not granted, you may, as a last resort, appeal to the exemption commission.

Financial aid

It is possible to benefit from financial aid depending on your situation and your training project:

  • AIF (Aide Individuelle à la Formation). Please contact Pôle Emploi for more information
  • CPF (Personal Training Account). Contact Pôle Emploi or your employer for more information and check your CPF training account.
  • Assistance from the Regional Council for an eligible public
  • Partial exemption: contact the continuing education managers

Before filling in any downloadable document, please contact your continuing education manager.

Information about the application form for funding from the Southern Region - Compulsory documents

To be sent to the continuing education department (Required documents for application files):

  • CV
  • Letter identifying the professional and training project with arguments
  • Additional documents for active job seekers (registered with a Pôle Emploi): prescription from a Pôle Emploi validating the training project, as well as notification of compensation rights and their duration
  • Summary sheet of situation and project, dematerialized procedure concerning the management of applications for regional aid
  • Additional document for active employees (salaried, temporary...): certificate from the employer that the training will not be fully covered. However, the employer can grant partial coverage.
  • Additional document for inactive people: certificate on honor that the training will not be paid for by any private or public organization


Continuing Education FSS

163, avenue de Luminy - 13009 Marseille

FC Office: 1st floor of the FSS Office A102.

Contact à ajouter
Administrative Manager
Contact à ajouter
Vice-Dean "Relations with the Socio-Economic World" and Apprentice Tax referent
Contact à ajouter
Contact Cellule Aide Orientation